For teachers and careers advisors

Ravensbourne is dedicated to delivering top-tier progression programs to our network of educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and outreach partners. 

Our central aim is to provide learners with comprehensive information, guidance, and insight into the dynamic realms of the creative, digital and business management industries, offering a glimpse into the unique experience of studying at a specialised university. Our primary mission is to empower the next generation, ensuring their progression and success within these innovative sectors. 

Our outreach initiatives are exceptionally adaptable, allowing us to tailor our offerings to meet specific needs. From holiday clubs to one-off workshops, and personalised support with personal statements, portfolios, or show reels, we offer a diverse array of options. If you have specific requirements or wish to book any of the workshops mentioned, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

What can we offer?

Our Schools and Outreach team would love to meet your students. We can offer the following workshops to take place online, at your campus, or at our site in North Greenwich.

Our offer aims to support your school/college in contributing toward the Gatsby Benchmarks. All our activity listed below is coded with the benchmarks they meet.

Gatsby Benchmark Code

Benchmark Description


A stable careers programme


Learning from career and labour market information


Addressing the needs of each pupil


Linking curriculum learning to careers


Encounters with employers and employees


Experiences of workplaces


Encounters with further and higher education


Personal Guidance



To book a particular workshop, email us on [email protected] with your workshop choice, date, time and group size. 

Below is the list of workshops and support we can offer you and your students.

Digital Resources

Videos and downloadable documents to support your students with careers advice and application to creative courses at University.