Creative projects

Here you'll find our growing resource of projects and collaborations aimed at students of all ages. Why not share the results on our outreach social channels @raveoutreach #letsmakeitcreative. We'd love to see them!
Documentary film workshop
Produce a documentary of your experience of the Covid-19 lockdown through your own words and imagery.
PDF – 494.03KB
Fashion magazine cover workshop
This workshop is all about creating a professional-looking fashion magazine front cover.
PDF – 168.60KB
Logo design workshop
This workshop is about all about making your own logo.
PDF – 160.25KB
Plant typeface workshop
This workshop is about all creating our own typeface/alphabet.
PDF – 235.36KB
Utopia flyer workshop
Research ideas and inspiration on existing ideas around Utopia., then create a flyer.
PDF – 296.91KB
Fluidity photography workshop
Explore ideas around ‘fluidity’ then create a photo series of 3-5 images that depicts the theme.
PDF – 0.99MB
Hope zine-making workshop
Explore ideas around ‘hope’ and then create an outcome inspired by the theme.
PDF – 537.35KB
Smartphone Photography - Natural Light
During this workshop you will gain the skills and knowledge to produce high quality, creative images that will take your photographs to a whole new level.
PDF – 233.12KB
Room with a view
Sketchbooks are a wonderful way to record what you see, as well as what you think and feel. Explore creative ideas without the pressure of producing final outcomes.
PDF – 367.56KB
How to make a flipbook
This workshop will show you how to make a simple flipbook animation using a limited amount of materials.
PDF – 299.82KB
Best to stay at home - a comic
For this project you will create a six-panel comic about what you think is the best thing about staying at home.
PDF – 518.30KB
Typographic Poster
By the end of this workshop you should have a better understanding of editing typography in Adobe Illustrator and how to make your own poster.
PDF – 274.89KB
Make your own GIF
This workshop is about all about your own moving GIF using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
PDF – 163.89KB
Digital collage for Adobe Illustrator
This workshop is about all about creating a creative digital collage using Adobe Illustrator.
PDF – 819.75KB
Character Design and Walk Cycle
Give your character a name, a back story, and some special attributes. Bring your character to life with this fun workshop.
PDF – 623.92KB
Recycled Fashion
This fun activity introduces aspects of fashion design development and teaches how to produce work suitable for a creative portfolio.
PDF – 517.13KB
Make your own face mask
Make a mask to help keep you and others safer. A lot of communities around the world are making similar masks and sharing them with family and friends so why not make some extra?
PDF – 380.75KB
Create your own Fashion Toolkit
Every great Fashion Designer needs two toolkits, a physical one that includes equipment, and a digital one that allows you to explore your creativity wherever you may be.
PDF – 486.38KB
Drawings in motion - bouncing ball
The bouncing ball is a very simple animation exercise and can teach students several of the essential principles of animation.
PDF – 501.18KB
Character Design Workshop
Learn how to make a very simple character that has a strong visual identity and a clear back story.
PDF – 715.98KB
Create your own Art & Design Toolkit
All designers need a toolkit - this guide shows you how to make your very first one.
PDF – 338.92KB
Repurposing Architectural elements
Explore new ways of reusing objects, spaces and materials and learn how to use the space and objects around us.
PDF – 631.18KB