Digital Film Production students shortlisted for RTS award

Our BA (Hons) Digital Film Production students have directed a music video that has been shortlisted for a Royal Television Society award. Our students will attend the prestigious RTS London Student awards at Channel 4’s headquarters in March 2020. The Royal Television Society is an educational charity promoting the art and science of television. The RTS Student Television Awards recognise the best audiovisual work created by students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Awards are presented at regional ceremonies, with the winners then invited to the National RTS Student Awards in the summer. Digital Film Production students directed a music video for recording artist, BiG Heath, for their Final Major Project on their BA course. The video was directed by Henry Oliver with fellow Ravensbourne students, Jordi Estapé Montserrat as Producer and Liam Morgan as Director of Photographer. The music video accompanies BiG Heath’s song titled ‘BiGGY’, and is a comedic tour de force encapsulating the artist’s larger-than-life personality.
Biggy music video

the video has amassed over 2.8 million views
Since it was posted on YouTube in April 2019, the video has amassed over 2.8 million views. The video was first recognised with a best music video award when Ravensbourne students premiered their final year films at the Curzon cinema in Soho.
Henry has since collaborated with BiG Heath for a second time, directing the music video for the song, ‘Too big’. The video is a testament to the enduring relationships forged at Ravensbourne, with Henry supported by 9 current and former Ravensbourne students. Speaking with Promonews Henry commented, “I’m a director who doesn’t take himself too seriously. I enjoy creating content to make people laugh and cringe - at the same time hopefully."
Too Big music video

We wish Henry, Jordi and Liam the very best of luck
We wish Henry, Jordi and Liam the very best of luck at the awards ceremony. The RTS London Student Awards will take place on Wednesday 18 March 2020 at Channel 4’s headquarters in Westminster, London. Visit the Royal Television Society website to find out more.