Managing results day nerves

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With results day just round the corner, it can be an anxious time, especially if you are relying on particular results to get you into your chosen university. The important thing to remember is it is perfectly normal to feel nervous, however sometimes stress and worry can spill into your everyday life and keep you from enjoying it to the full.

To help you feel more in control of the situation here are some helpful coping mechanisms.


  1. Picking up your results
    First things first, how do you want to collect your results? Would you prefer to get them online, or in person? Would you like someone to accompany you when you collect them? Imagining how you want to receive your results can reduce the stress, as it can already help prepare you for the day.
  2. Stay informed
    It is useful to know the date and time when your results will be released and what steps you need to do if you decide to go through Clearing. You can check out our ‘How to prepare for Clearing’ guide. Knowing the steps to take can help you prepare both mentally and emotionally for the day. 
  3. Avoid comparison and limit social media

    As the saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy. It is important to remember that everyone’s journey is different, and success looks different to different people.

    During this time, it might be helpful to limit social media use, as this can cause unnecessary comparison or influence by other’s feelings of anxiety.

  4. Acknowledge your feelings
    Feeling nervous or irritable? Don’t worry, these feelings are totally normal. Try to give yourself permission to acknowledge and accept how you feel without judgment – like you would do to a friend. 
  5. Focus on what you can control

    While it can be a source of anxiety to relive the past and wonder whether you could have done things differently, it can also be quite freeing to realise that it is now out of your control.

    Instead of ruminating about the past, try to focus your energy instead on what you can control, such as your reaction and the steps you can take after receiving your results.

    Avoid over-talking about results day: It's okay (and encouraged) to talk about your feelings with trusted friends or family members, but excessively discussing results day may make you even more anxious. Try to keep a balanced perspective by enjoying the summer, relaxing, and doing the things you enjoy.

  6. Your grades do not define you!
    Whatever the outcome, it is important to remember that the outcome of one set of results will not dictate your entire life. In fact, your life will take lots of unexpected twists and turns, and that’s where the real beauty lies!

    The important thing to remember is that your worth reaches far beyond your ability to perform in exams. Countless influential people have faced academic setbacks and have gone on to achieve great things in their respective fields.

  7. Opportunity for re-evaluation
    Although granted, it might not feel like it at the time, sometimes a negative result in the long run can actually be a good thing.

    Setbacks can be powerful motivators, they can push us to work harder when needed and build resilience, but also offer a chance for reflection.

    Rather than pushing harder, sometimes what we need is to be a bit kinder to ourselves and to take the pressure off a bit.
  8. Support and guidance

    If you are feeling overwhelmed about your results and what they might mean for your future, don’t hesitate to seek help.

    If you are thinking of applying to Ravensbourne through Clearing, our dedicated Student Services team will be able to provide a listening ear and point you in the right direction of any additional support and services you require.

    If you want to speak to someone that isn’t your parents, family or friends, then the below services can help:



Ultimately, while results day can feel like it has the potential to impact the rest of your life, it is important to maintain perspective and not let exam results define your self-worth.

Embrace the setbacks as opportunities for growth and know that you can always learn from your experiences, even the hard ones.