Concept and creative process
This surreal title sequence was created by designer Iain Greenway to open the BBC Drama serial ‘A Sense of Guilt’, starring Trevor Eve. A scale model of the actor was set within a practical Escheresque architectural structure. The rig was locked off and shot in multiple passes on a motion control arm with a 35mm periscope camera. Matte passes were taken into Flame in post-production and live action was added to match the perspective changes. The opening shots of each episode of the drama were integrated into the title sequence to create a seamless transition from title to drama.
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A Sense of Guilt storyboard

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 1

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 2

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 3

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 4

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 5

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 6

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 7

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 8

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 9

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 10

A Sense of Guilt storyboard 11