Micro Live (1986)

Concept and creative process

Titles for a regular look at the world of information technology, in which Fred Harris and Ian McNaught-Davis broadcast live some of the best items from the recent series of ‘Micro File’.
Sid Sutton recalls the making of his title sequence for ‘Micro Live’: “I had a model of the existing logo, made from 8-inch (20cm) Perspex rods. Overall it was about 3ft (1m) across. We filmed a close-up model shoot of just the logo with various tracks and pans. We shot the flying owl separately, except for the final shot when we were able to get it to land in front of the owl in the logo. The shots were then put together on an optical printer. The young owl we began the filming with kept disappearing up into the rafters of the studio. After a couple of hours the trainer got another owl, who had been sitting on his perch watching. He did it in a couple of takes and apparently was an old hand who had appeared in lots of feature films. There is never a dull moment filming with animals!”

Micro Live original hand-drawn storyboard (48x37cm)

Micro Live original hand-drawn storyboard (48x37cm)

Micro Live original hand-drawn storyboard (48x37cm)