Correspondent - trail (2000)

Concept and creative process

The brief was to create a strong and emotional trailer for the ‘BBC Correspondent’ trail which highlighted the fact that certain groups across the world are denied a voice, hence the graphic image of a black strip used as a gagging device. Often this device is used to cover people’s eyes so they are not recognisable, however I realised that used as a gag it gave it a strong visual power to the image. This simple idea was then resolved by showing the gags being blown away, giving these disenfranchised groups a voice. This scenario allowed us to use audio to create a strong effect as well.

Producer - Barry Kimber.

Designer - Steve Cope.

Winner USA Promax & BDA 2001 Gold Award.

Winner Europe Promax & BDA 2001 Silver Award.

UK Promax & BDA 2001 Bronze Award.

International Monitor Awards 2001.