Concept and creative process
‘Bungee' was one of the Idents produced for the 1994 Winter campaign for BBC2 presentation, which included ‘Slinky’, ‘Cliffhanger’, ‘Meccano’, ‘Op Art’, ‘Greenhouse’, ‘Ski Jump’, ‘Goal’, and ‘Magnet’. The campaign had no overall theme but many different ideas and each idea was produced using a different technique. 'Bungee' was one of the first computer generated sequences. A real rubber '2' was dropped and shot at high speed as a motion reference for the computer generated model '2'. The set was shot clean as a beauty pass and the computer generated '2' was composited into it in post-production. This Ident was also inspired by 'The Terminator' action films of the time, which was why the '2' appears to be made of metal. The audio was also inspired by films of that genre, and by making the metallic '2' sound squishy, we added charm and surprise to it. Winner of the Design & Art Direction Black Pencil for Television Graphics/Brand Identity 1994. Nominated for a BAFTA Craft Award for Television Graphics 1994.
Press articles

'1st Post' design wins at BDA article 1 - July 1995

'1st Post' design wins at BDA article 1 - July 1995