Staff IT account

Welcome to Ravensbourne University London. You should have received details of the Ravensbourne IT account that has been created for you. This is the main account that you will use to access all of Ravensbourne’s applications.

To start you will need three things:

  1. The email that was sent to you when your account was created which has your username and temporary password (this would have been sent to the personal email address you provided to HR)
  2. A mobile phone with access to the Apple Apps store or the Google Play store
  3. A computer (Desktop/Laptop) that can connect to the internet

To make sure your account is protected we use multi-factor authentication, this means you will need to approve access from your phone whenever you login to a system using your IT account.

How to setup your IT Account

The main steps are listed below but we recommend you watch the short video after reading through the steps which shows you what to do.

1. On your phone, go to the App Store and download Microsoft Authenticator, click next until you reach a screen which has a button that says ‘Scan a QR code’, leave it on that screen and go to your computer

2. On your computer, open the following link in a web browser: Change password link. It will ask you to login, you must use the username and password from the email you received, after you have logged in keep clicking next until you reach the screen which shows you the QR Code.

3. Now go back to your phone and use the Microsoft Authenticator app to scan the QR code on your computer screen, Authenticator will send you a test approval to your phone.

4. On your computer you should see a change password screen, enter your old password (from the email) once and then create a new password and enter it twice. The process will finish with a screen called Profile.

Passwords for your Ravensbourne account must meet the following:

  • Must be at least 14 characters in length.
  • Must not contain common passwords, or words or elements of your REAL NAME, or things easily associated with you personally. Our systems will reject words such as Ravensbourne, London, Arsenal, and March etc automatically
  • Must include characters from at least 3 of the 4 following categories:

- Uppercase letters of European languages (A through Z).

- Lowercase letters of European languages (a through z).

- Numeric digits (0 through 9).

- Non-alphanumeric characters (special characters such as '-!"#$%&()*,./:;?@[]^_`{|}~+<=>)

5. Your Ravensbourne IT account has now been setup with a new password and is protected by the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone - you will need to authorise new logins using your phone each time you use a Ravensbourne application.

6. Now log into your Ravensbourne email account to make sure that everything is working as it should.

Well done! You are now ready to start using your Ravensbourne email account. You may find it useful to download the Outlook app to your phone or save this link as favourite/bookmark.


What next?

You can access your Ravensbourne Email here.

Information about IT Services can be found here.

You can access general information for Staff here.