Urban Landscape Architecture students win paid industry placements

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We are excited to announce that two of our BA (Hons) Urban Landscape Architecture students have won paid placements with ETLA, a renowned urban landscape architecture practice, as part of a new collaboration with Ravensbourne.

ETLA, directed by Eleanor Trenfield, is a landscape architecture consultancy that focuses on strategic landscape planning. It specialises in creating functional spaces that are harmonious with and enhance the natural environment. Its recent projects include Clifton Slipways in Gravesend, Calleywell Lane in Aldington and Newtown Works in Ashford.

An urban landscape architecture plan by ETLA

Final-year student Aliyah Chaumoo and second-year Gabby Spencer were selected to participate in the first round of ETLA’s Student Support Scheme. The scheme offers a paid two-week placement in addition to a small grant that can be used to assist them financially with their studies.

Both Aliyah and Gabby explained how the placement, and their experiences on their course, have helped prepare them for future careers in design and urban architecture.

Gabby said: “The Urban Landscape Architecture course has really upgraded the quality of my personal design projects, and has given me the confidence to construct and build without hesitation. The knowledge I’ve gained about planting has helped me design smarter and more effectively.

“The opportunity with ETLA will allow me to understand professional standards and create an important stepping stone for building my career, and it’s this close relationship with industry that makes the course exciting for me.

Urban landscape architecture plan by ETLA

“It’s a course that pushes you to grow as a designer, you begin to think differently about the space around you and you start to notice synchronicities in the environment. Our projects are always focused on sustainability and we’re in constant conversation about current and future issues regarding the topic.”

Aliyah said: “I chose this subject because I want to make a difference in this world by influencing sustainable design. With the imminent threat of climate change, the future is uncertain. It is only through innovative and ecological design of landscapes and architecture that we can combat the climate crisis.

“My degree will open up many pathways for me in the future; I am not only limited to landscape design, but I can enter many design disciplines. I can use my transferrable skills that I have gained from this degree to apply for many jobs.”