New Vice-Chancellor appointed

Ravensbourne University London is pleased to announce that after a rigorous recruitment and selection process we have successfully appointed, from the 1 August 2020, our new Vice-Chancellor Andy Cook.
Andy Cook commented on his new appointment “I am delighted and honoured to be appointed as the next Vice-Chancellor of Ravensbourne University London. I am looking forward to building upon the considerable strengths that our creative institution and community has to offer and shaping our vision to deliver a successful future as a leading creative institution.”
The Vice-Chancellor role is an extremely important appointment to the university as we look to build further on our creative reputation, through the ambitious plans to develop our portfolio of courses and enhance our unique student experience.
With the development of the ‘Institute for Creativity and Technology’ launching in 2021, and a plan for a new digital-first teaching provision, which will see the development of courses that directly meet the needs of industry, whilst widening opportunities to participate in Higher Education, we are excited to see how the future plans of the Vice-Chancellor will evolve.
Andrew Summers, Chair of the Board of Governors commented, “I am very pleased that we have successfully appointed Andy Cook as Vice-Chancellor for Ravensbourne University London. Andy has played a strong role as the Acting Vice-Chancellor, steering the university successfully through the current Covid-19 crisis and bringing forward exciting plans for the future of the university."