Ravensbourne student projects shown in Dezeen

Article by: Victoria Fenton
Publication date:Our talented students catch the eye of Dezeen magazine
Dezeen is considered one of the world’s most popular and influential magazines in the architecture, interiors and design space. It has an audience of approximately 3 million readers per month.
We are delighted to learn that 10 of our undergraduate students recently had their architecture projects showcased in the Dezeen magazine. These students were from our BA (Hons) Architecture, BA (Hons) Interior Design Environment Architectures and BA (Hons) Urban Landscape Architecture courses.
Alberto quote
Ravensbourne’s Department of Architecture has shared proudly again the work of our students in Dezeen. Last year we were delighted to be among the top 10 schools over 170 worldwide that received visitors on the prestigious website.”
The projects presented are a selection of different final projects from the students under the collective topic of ‘Entities and Identities in Woolwich and Charlton’.
The feature included images of their work alongside relevant descriptions.
What Happened to Gilbert? by Dylan White

"Once known for its quarries of Thanet Sand, clay and chalk, Gilbert's Pit in Charloton has now been hidden away in the city. The area is an SSSI, meaning it's currently inaccessible to the public and there is no reason to want to go there. The project aims to give Gilbert's pit a new life."
Alberto quote
This new collaboration highlights a selection of the work of our students that despite spending their first two years online due to the pandemic have been able to propose exciting and relevant solutions in the southeast of London: from community to sustainable strategies. They are the architects and interior architects that will shift the industry with their skills and values.”
This is a wonderful achievement for our students given how significant and prestigious a platform Dezeen is.
Many congratulations to all 10 students who had their work featured: Raisa Aly, Connor S.J Boyd, Mahmood Turkman, Aidan Safsaf, Dre Soliman, Maryame Chlaita, Soren Sigl, Dylan White, Shania Burrage and Maggie Puiman Law.