Introduction to the BBC Motion Graphics Archive

The BBC Motion Graphics Archive is...
a showcase of the history and development of motion graphics across the BBC and includes examples of opening titles, promotion trailers, stings, idents and programme content sequences. The Archive currently covers the period from the 1940s until the early 2000s and it can be researched in a variety of ways eg by programme title, channel, named designer, genre, decade. We have worked closely with around 150 BBC graphic designers who have shared invaluable knowledge of the techniques used to create the works over the years. The Archive is for anybody interested in design, motion graphics or cultural and television history.
The material can be streamed or is downloadable for non-commercial educational or research purposes only under the terms of the BBC’s Content Licence for the Motion Graphics Archive (link to agreement on the homepage).
For commercial use, please contact Motion Gallery via
The Archive is not intended to be an exhaustive selection of examples but it will expand over time to show contemporary professional practice commissioned by the BBC. These will include a series of interviews with designers talking about their work, as well as images of a collection of digitised artefacts which shows the design and production processes used.
Motion Graphics has become an important study discipline at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in numerous academic institutions UK wide. The Archive demonstrates the increasing importance of the role of motion graphics in television today in the promotion of channel brands and in engaging, entertaining and informing the viewer.
Please contact Ravensbourne at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to contribute to the site.