Future students

Tips for prospective students of Ravensbourne University London

Register your interest

Fulfil your creative potential.

Below you’ll find tailored information for future students of Ravensbourne University London, whether you’re currently weighing up your options or all set to join us.

Discover our courses

Discover design and media courses

Interview and portfolio preparation

Showreel and Portfolio Advice Welcome Slide

Showreel and Portfolio Advice

Watch this video to find out more about preparing your showreel or portfolio, ahead of applying to Ravensbourne.

Showreel - Media Courses

Showreel - Media Courses

Presenting Your Portfolio - Top Tips Poster Image

Presenting Your Portfolio - Top Tips

Applying to Ravensbourne

Applying to Ravensbourne

Application tips for international students

Application advice for International students

For tailored information for international students wishing to apply for a course at Ravensbourne University London, please consult our dedicated international student section

Missing media item.

Quick links:

Prospective students' FAQs

Future students' FAQs

Sign-up to an upcoming event

Why choose Ravensbourne University London?

Why choose Ravensbourne?

  • Personal and specialist: you are a face and a story – not a number
  • A vibrant, creative hub in the heart of London – next to the O2 Arena
  • Boost employability with excellent industry links with mega brands
  • Excellent post-graduation employment rate
  • Best creative graduate salary rate among specialist universities in the UK
  • Cutting-edge technologies and facilities in an award-winning building
  • Mix with creatives from over 90 countries in a diverse city

Learn more: Ravenbourne University London's culture and community

Stay in the loop

Register your interest

Your new home away from home


creative industries

Why choose the Creative Industries?

  1. Almost 1 in 8 UK businesses are creative businesses
  2. The Creative Industries are growing at more that 4x the rate of UK economy
  3. Creative Industries export £36bn in services worldwide, accounting for almost 12% of UK services exports
  4. Over 2 million UK citizens are employed by the Creative Industries, with an additional 1 million projected by 2030
  5. In the last decade, the UK's Creative Industries have grown at three times the UK average 

* Source: Creative Industries Foundation

Next steps

  1. Come and meet us: Don't be shy. Sign-up to an upcoming open day and speak to course leaders and students.
  2. Order a prospectus: We can either pop one in the post or send direct to your inbox. We just need a few details
  3. Speak to us: Chat with our students and academics. Contact us today
  4. Browse our courses: Discover creative courses and kickstart your London adventure
  5. Register your interest: If you've found a course that excites you, register your interest in our undergraduate courses and further education courses
  6. Ready to apply? Even better. Read our applications advice, including important information on personals statements, portfolios and showreels
  7. Are you looking on behalf of your child? Read our dedicated parents' section
  8. Guidance for future international students: If you’re not a UK citizen and need more info on visas, immigration and the like, please visit our international student section
  9. Get your head around the financial stuff: You’re sure to have a lot of questions on the money side of things. Find information in our Fees and funding section.
  10. Be healthy and happy: Lastly, but of course the most crucial. Learn about Student Services, our support system and wellbeing initiatives