Concept and creative process
Music show titles which created the show's own icon, the Starkicker, to the music 'Area Code 617' by Stone Fox Chase, a Nashville band. Apocryphally the programme derived its name OGWT from a legendary Tin Pan Alley phrase. When music moguls got the first cut of a record, they would play it to the doormen in grey suits, known colloquially as the old greys. Any song they could recall and whistle, after having heard it a couple of times, was deemed to have passed the old grey whistle test and was destined to become a popular hit. The show ran from 1971-1987 and In spite of its late-night slot, acquired a cult following and became a TV legend in its own right, as did its front man from 1972-78 'Whispering' Bob Harris. The titles were made as a simplified animation which was shot on a rostrum camera, using back-lit Kodaliths to create the artwork and pin pricks to create the universe. This version is the title sequence which re-launched the show in 1971 with Bob Harris as the frontman.
Lighting Cameraman - Terry Handley.
Editor - Simon Morice.
Designer/Director - Roger Ferrin.
Winner of a Design & Art Direction Wood Pencil for Television Graphics.