CBBC Behind the Scenes (2006)

Concept and creative process

Claire Goble: "I worked as lead designer for CBBC and CBeebies presentation for six years. This involved producing graphics, design and animation for the live studio and presentation stings (the bits that went in between the programmes). Usually the producers or directors would want stings to go with games that they were playing in the studio or to brand bits of content. They would brief me first thing in the morning and need the work completed by the end of the day, so it was fast turn around. Sometimes I would have audio to work with and some kind of visual steer, but mostly is was an open brief. It was a really exciting place to work, and I loved creating fun and vibrant content for children. All of the work was made using Adobe After Effects, Illustrator and Photoshop. Sometimes I would purchase Clipart when I needed some illustrations and didn’t have time to draw them myself." This clip is mute.